Free Air System

DC Free Air Cooling

Free Air System


The Diversified Control Free Air Cooler is designed to save energy while maintaining a well regulated environment inside of a shelter. This is done by monitoring the inside and outside environments and intelligently choosing the least expensive mode of operation while limiting the inside environment to a user set temperature range.

The Free Air Cooler runs at -48VDC, which means there is full backup during AC mains outages. The Free Air Cooler can be used as a stand-alone solution or connected with existing HVAC equipment.

The Merv8 Filter (20"x20"x4") can be easily removed for cleaning or replacement from the inside or outside of the building, and is readily available thru most local hardware stores.

A simple user interface is provided for observing temperatures, set points and modes of operation. Secure local and remote monitoring and control can be easily duplicated using SNMP or any web browser via the internet or intranet.

Features & Benefits

  • Existing HVAC equipment (up to two additional systems can be managed and operated with a single controller).
  • Replaces existing thermostats
  • AC Power monitoring
  • Existing smoke and fire alarm systems (will shut down all connected systems on detection)
  • Internet connectivity for offsite monitoring and management.
  • Dry contact alarm outputs