Fiber Connectivity Solutions

Optical Splitters

PLC Micro Fiber Splitter


The CF PLC Micro Splitter Series are designed to provide important functions in the FTTx Network, such as the optical signal splitting with low attenuation and high optical performance. The Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) splitter modules plitone or two channel fibers into 2/4/8/16/32/64 channels. The splitters are designed for a wide variety of power rations in the wavelength ranges. The optical splitters consist of single-mode fibers, splitter module and adequate number of optical connectors or no connectors by option. The single mode fibers used in the optical splitter comply with the G657.A2 standards.

Features & Benefits

  • Low Insertion Loss
  • High Return Loss
  • Wide Operating Temperature
  • Excellent Environmental & Mechanical Stability ITU G657 and G671 compliant
  • Qualified Under Telcordia GR-1221 and GR-1209
  • Fiber input & output 900μm with connectors / 250μm without connectors
  • G.657A2 fiber